Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tips for Beautiful, Healthy Hair

We’ve all seen the ads for hair products ranging from shampoo and conditioners to hair serums, heat protectors, deep conditioners and glosses. So how do you know which products are best for your hair?
The main ingredient, found in approximately 90% of shampoos is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Sodium Laureth Sulfate. Sodium Laurel Sulfate is used mainly because it is an inexpensive detergent that mixes well as a foaming agent. Detergents like this can be toxic to your body and strip follicles of natural oils. It is recommended to use more gentle, natural ingredients for your skin and hair products.
Look for plant-based ingredients like castille soap, which does not lather up the way traditional shampoos do, but is much better for the health of your hair and your body. You can also use a gentle cleanser or baking soda with a few drops of your favorite essential oil.
You may choose to wash your hair every day, once it is balanced out, but it may be better to wash every 2 or 3 days to keep the natural oils locked in. Gently massage your scalp with your fingers to increase circulation and eliminate any hard-to-reach debris.
Hair follicles are gentle and should be treated as such. After shampooing, you should rinse your hair completely with cool water, which will lock the cuticle, rather than harsh hot water. Gently brush your hair with a wide-toothed comb and pat dry. Limiting the use of heat styling products like hair dryers, curling irons or flat irons will also help to keep your hair shiny and healthy.

How do you keep your hair healthy and beautiful?


Happy Easter!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Curly Girl Handbook

{CURLY GIRL BY Massey, Lorraine(Author)}Curly Girl: The Handbook [With DVD] (Expanded)[paperback]Workman Publishing(Publisher)

Some of you gals might know that I am currently following the curly girl method and so far, I am loving it! You don't need a whole lot of money, just patience.

To begin the curly girl method a curlie needs to buy the right products as specified by the method. It is recommended that you write down the no-no ingredients and a few products you are interested in trying. This makes it easy when going to the store. You also might want to start out with less expensive products so you can get a feel for what your hair needs, before buying more expensive lines.

Start with the basics which are a no-sulfate shampoo, no-silicone conditioner and oil and/or gel (no-silicone nor alcohol)

This book is a great investment so read a few pages free by clicking on the above image and buy it today! Right now, I am on day 5 using this method and it is the best thing since sliced bread!

The Do-It-Yourself Weave Manual

Part of being a black woman is to be very versatile especially when it comes to style. I'm not an expert when it comes to wearing weaves so I think you should check out this ultimate guide to everything you want to know about hair extensions. If you're tired of paying your beautician hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars to look fly then this guide is perfect for you.

Click Here! To Download this guide today!

Cancer for Straight Hair?

This report is highly controversial on the most prolific cover-ups the hair and beauty industry has ever seen. The Brazilian Keratin Blowout is not worth the risk. Get informed today!

Click Here! To find out more

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

3 weeks after Big Chop!

Hair Update! Intro to Curly Girl Method.

Curly Sue

110_0202 by rrcoley2
110_0202, a photo by rrcoley2 on Flickr.

Accessories look so much better on natural hair. Go to Bridgestreet Mall in Huntsville, AL to stock up on these girly items.

Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters

They are green with envy. So what! Check out these tips to learn how to deal with the haters and use them as well. The more you got, the better.

 Tim Ferriss: 7 Great Principles for Dealing with Haters

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Child Relaxer: It's Not That Deep!

This is horrible! I don't know what's worse, the girl getting the relaxer, the camera man laughing, or those damn dishes in the sink! You be the judge.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

5 Things to NEVER Put on Your Hair

I know some of ya'll are guilty of this. Don't be ashamed, I won't tell anyone ;). Check out this article courtesy of

5 Things to NEVER Put on Your Hair

Crazy for Coconut Oil

Coconut oil for hair? Coconut oil has served the human head's crowning glory for millennia. Its unique chemical structure enables it to harmlessly clean, nourish, protect and beautify your hair.

Hair Facts

Your head has about 100,000 hair follicles. Each follicle can grow about 20 individual hairs in your lifetime.

True healthy hair begins in the hair follicle. Blood carries nutrients through arteries connected to your hair follicles.

Coconut oil and hair growth goes hand-in-hand. Coconut oil replaces the natural oils your hair looses on a regular basis.

Hair Protein Loss

Unlike other oils used in shampoo formulations, coconut oil helps minimize protein loss during washing to keep each hair strand strong. Try these coconut hair oil recipes and see what fits your fancy.

Coconut oil keeps protein loss at a minimum because of its close association with hair proteins. It’s mostly medium chain triglycerides (MCT) which can pass freely through the cell membrane. The smaller molecular structure of MCT-rich coconut oil enables efficient penetration inside the hair shaft.

MCTs are at the heart of the coconut oil baldness beneficial link. Reports of coconut oil counteracting hair loss and even promoting hair growth are fairly common. I'm living proof of this! :-)

Healthy Hair from Within

Using coconut oil for hair externally or topically is the best way to go. But don't forget that stress, illness, malnutrition and medication all have something to say about the health of your hair.

Cooking with coconut oil is one of the easiest ways to maintain good overall health, including your hair. Its tremendous antimicrobial blessings assist in giving your hair full body and radiance.

Very few people know that thyroid disease often manifests first in the condition of the hair. A coconut oil diet can promote normal thyroid gland activity such as controlling how your body makes protein necessary for hair roots.

Sebaceous glands secrete a fatty substance called sebum, which protects and waterproofs your hair and scalp skin to keep them from drying and breaking. Like coconut oil, sebum contains MCTs.

Remember, scalp skin is just like the rest of your skin. For this reason, coconut oil uses for skin are equally remarkable.

Direct is Best

Religiously massage virgin coconut oil (VCO) directly on your hair and scalp and it's hard not to have beautiful hair. It's such a fantastic conditioner and the rewards are virtually instantaneous.

At this point, the idea of coconut oil shampoo has probably crossed your mind. In my experience, this approach usually doesn't help simply because most contain a myriad of harmful ingredients as well.

Want to make sure your hair is unharmed? Only use a shampoo and conditioner made from 100% all-natural ingredients.

In case you're wondering how to use coconut oil in general, you'd be surprised how quick and easy it is to benefit from The Healthiest Oil on Earth.

For thousands of years, whole generations have relied on coconut oil to give their precious crowning glory radiance. Now, it's our turn.

Coconut oil is very safe, cost-effective and really works. So, go natural! Use coconut oil for hair.
