I express this because I know natural, black hair is a very controversial topic. Everyone has their own opinions about it, but how do we expect to receive respect from other ethnicities when we can not even take the time to respect ourselves?
So to help make the decision process a little bit easier for you, here are a few tips to keep you motivated during your transition to natural hair or just to stay natural.
- Focus on the Why
2. What chemicals are really in relaxers?
Other than sodium hydroxide being the main ingredient, there are definitely others that will cause long term damage to you scalp. Ever wonder why you get headaches close to touch-up time? Do your research and you'll be immediately turned off by the "creamy crack".
3. Who are you impressing really?
Married womem can attest to this. We represent our husbands thoughts and beliefs outside our homes so it's only natural that we want to look good for him at all times. But remember, a good amount of men are conditioned to believe straight hair is better because we led them to see us in straight weaves and styles the majority of our lives. If your man acts indifferently towards your decision to go natural, don't trip about it. Condition him to love it. Having control over your hair brings confidence and men love confidence. Don't worry, he will come around and if not then... maybe you should question your relationship.
4. Never stop learning
A person that stops him or herself from trying to learn new things is a person that will break under pressure. Don't expect to learn how to care and nurture your natural hair overnight. You haven't seen it in over 10 or 20 years! All you saw was it's alias. Be patient, grasshopper (lol) and make realistic goals about your hair journey. When you focus positvie attention on something you will receive an astronomical reward for it. When you focus on negative attention than you are back at feigning for the cream, then you relapse. Stop over analyzing. It's just hair! Enjoy the ride to the enlightenment of a new you. You never know. It may influence you to set goals on other things you would like to improve in your life like your weight, relationships with friends and family, your financial stability, etc. The sky's the limit!
So stop focusing on what you do not have and embrace what is present in your life. I will conclude with this quote below. Feel inspired and live life.
"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you TAKE IT!" -Malcom X
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